Our Ingredients

Feel Good Ingredients
We value transparency and are proud of every ingredient in our products.
All Natural. No Preservatives. No Synthetics. Plant Based. Cruelty Free. Vegan. Non-GMO. Non-Toxic. Gluten free. Organic Ingredients. Biodegradable. Compostable. Eco-Friendly. Small Batch. 

Country of Origin Details  Powerful Contents Key Benefits
Amyris Pure Essential Oil Haiti 
Steam Distilled
Aromatherapy grounding and clarifying benefits
Bergamot Pure Essential Oil Italy 
Expressed from the rind of the ripe and unripe citrus fruit
Aromatherapy soothing and uplifting benefits 
Burdock Root Europe
Powerful antioxidants including quercetin, luteolin, and phenolic acids
Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, 
antibacterial and detoxifying properties
Cedarwood Pure Essential Oil United States
Steam Distilled
Aromatherapy comforting and calming benefits
Chamomile Flowers Egypt
Powerful antioxidant compounds polyphenol and phytochemical 
Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, soothes skin and accelerates cell regeneration
Chamomile Pure Essential Oil  Morocco 
Steam Distilled
Aromatherapy soothing and sleep promoting benefits
Chrysanthemum Flowers* China
Vitamins A and C
Anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and detoxifying properties
Clary Sage Pure Essential Oil Russia
Steam Distilled
Aromatherapy relaxing and calming benefits
Clove Bud Pure Essential Oil Indonesia
Steam Distilled
High levels of powerful antioxidant phenolic compounds 
Aromatherapy warming and soothing benefits
Coconut Oil Wax Philippines  100% Coconut Oil
Highly sustainable and renewable
Burns slowly and cleanly, non-toxic
Cornflower Petals Europe
Vitamins B7, C, and folate, calcium and polyphenols
Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent properties, soothes skin
Cornmint Pure Essential Oil India
Steam Distilled
Limonene, a terpene with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
Aromatherapy energizing and uplifting benefits
Dandelion Leaves* Europe 
High levels of iron, calcium vitamins A, C and K
Anti-inflammatory properties, reduces skin irritation and increases hydration and collagen production
Dead Sea Salts Israel 100% pure, harvested from the Southern Dead Sea in Israel where the mineral content is the highest 20+ potent minerals including magnesium, calcium, sulfur, bromide, iodine, zinc and potassium

 Delivers nutrients, aids cellular renewal and promotes moisture retention. Detoxifies, cleanses and increases  circulation. Anti-inflammatory and detoxifying agents help to ease muscle cramps and reduce joint soreness

Eucalyptus Leaf Pieces India  High in antioxidant flavonoids, cineole and limonene 
Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic properties, 
boosts skin ceramide production, water-holding capacity, and skin barrier protection, 
increases the activity of your parasympathetic nervous system (promoting relaxation)
Eucalyptus Leaves Whole United States Non-irradiated, naturally grown in an ecologically clean environment, sustainable agriculture, no chemical fertilizers or pesticides
Same as above
Same as above
Eucalyptus Pure Essential Oil China
Steam Distilled
Aromatherapy clarifying and cooling properties.
Frankincense Pure Essential Oil  India 
Steam Distilled
Aromatherapy meditative and grounding properties
Geranium Pure Essential Oil Egypt 
Steam Distilled
Aromatherapy balancing and purifying properties
Grapefruit Pure Essential Oil Belize 
Cold Pressed 
Aromatherapy uplifting and refreshing properties
Grapeseed Oil Spain  Solvent Extraction 
High in 
high in omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins E and C, protein and polyunsaturates
Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, moisturizes and balances skin 
Hibiscus Flowers Egypt  High in antioxidants and natural alpha-hydroxy acids vitamin C and amino acids   Anti-inflammatory properties, exfoliates and cleanses skin, increases cell turnover and
enhances the skin’s ability to retain moisture 
Himalayan Pink Sea Salt Pakistan Harvested from ancient salt fields thousands of feet under the Himalayan Mountains. Unbleached, unrefined, and unprocessed
Sodium chloride, along with trace minerals of iron, potassium, magnesium, and calcium
Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, promotes muscle relaxation, exfoliates and
enhances the skin’s ability to retain moisture 
Ho Wood Pure Essential Oil China
Steam Distilled
Aromatherapy calming and cooling properties
Jasmine Flowers China
High in antioxidants, beta-caryophyllene
Anti- inflammatory, anti-fungal, reduces irritation, 
cleanses skin and
promotes the healing of skin tissue
Jasmine Pure Essential Oil Egypt 
Solvent Extraction
Aromatherapy energizing and uplifting properties
Lavender Flowers France
High in antioxidants, polyphenols, 
linalyl acetate, linalool, benzoic acid and benzyl benzoate
Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anesthetic and analgesic properties, softens and soothes skin, increases skin’s elasticity and helps balance moisture in the skin to naturally reduce dryness
Lavender Pure Essential Oil France
Steam Distilled
Aromatherapy sleep promoting and relaxing properties
Lavender Stems* United States True Grosso variety which contains the highest lavender essential oil content of any lavender. Sustainable growing practices Same as above Same as above
Lemon Pure Essential Oil Argentina
Cold Pressed
Vitamin C
Aromatherapy uplifting and freshening properties 
Lemongrass Pure Essential Oil India
Steam Distilled
Aromatherapy refreshing and regenerative properties
Macadamia Nut Oil United States Cold Pressed  Vitamin E, essential omega-3 fatty acids, 
and squalene
Closely mimics the natural sebum of your skin. Supports cell regeneration, softens, hydrates  calms and soothes skin.
Marigold Flowers* Egypt Vitamins A and C linolic acid and flavonoids
Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and anti-fungal properties, promotes the growth of healthy new tissue, boosts collagen production and soothes skin
Oats* United States Dehulled, steamed, air dried & cooled Vitamin E, zinc, 
saponins, flavonoids, phenols and starches
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, exfoliates, cleanses and soothes dry, itchy skin 
Orange Peel Turkey, Morocco
High in antioxidants, vitamins C and B6, folate, calcium, potassium and magnesium
 Anti-inflammatory properties, promotes collagen and elastin formation, moisturizes and hydrates skin 
Orange Pure Essential Oil United States
Steam Distilled. One of three oils extracted from the Orange tree
Vitamin C
Aromatherapy uplifting and balancing benefits
Petitgrain Pure Essential Oil United States
Steam Distilled. One of three oils extracted from the Orange tree
Vitamin C
Aromatherapy calming and clarity benefits
Rose Buds Whole
United States
Vitamin C
Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. 
Hydrates, soothes and tones skin
Rose Petals & Buds Pakistan 
Rosa Centifolia species
Vitamin C 
Same as above
Rose Pure Essential Oil Morocco 
Solvent Extraction
soothing and harmonizing benefits
Rosemary Pure Essential Oil Spain
Steam Distilled
Aromatherapy energizing and purifying benefits
Rosemary* Morocco
Vitamins A, C, and B-6, iron and calcium 
Anti- inflammatory,
 antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, soothes skin and improves circulation 
Sencha Green Tea* China  Steamed- processed using Japanese methods
High in antioxidants, 
beta-carotene, calcium, catechins, folic acid, phosphorus, potassium and vitamin C
Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties 
Soy Wax United States
100% Natural Soy
Vegetable based, biodegradable
Burns slowly and cleanly, produces insignificant amounts of soot, 
Spearmint Pure Essential Oil China
Steam Distilled
Aromatherapy invigorating and refreshing benefits
Sunflower Oil* Mexico Expeller Pressed 
Vitamins A and E and essential
omega-3 fatty acids 
Nourishes and moisturizes skin
Sweet Almond Oil United States Expeller Pressed 
Vitamins A and E, essential omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, potassium and zinc.
Hydrates, soothes, cleanses and retains skins moisture 
Ylang Ylang Pure Essential Oil  Madagascar
Steam Distilled
Aromatherapy relaxing and stress reducing benefits

*Organic Ingredient 

Essential oils are found inside many plants, hidden in roots, seeds, flowers and bark. They are concentrated, highly potent, natural chemical compounds that give a plant its scent, protect it from hazardous environmental conditions, and assist it with pollination, among other important functions and benefits.

We are not doctors or scientists, but rather passionate enthusiasts for the natural medicinals found in plants and minerals. We are sharing our own knowledge and research above. Please consult your trusted medical team with any specific questions, concerns and/or for general use guidance.